GOING AT DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Attending a new school is always nerve wrecking you will always think about how will you cope up, will I do better here than my previous school, etc. Having a new surrounding will make you feel like your from a different place. Before attending DFCIS I was a student in BCNHS-Main. I was still thinking on to where will I be taking my senior high I was planning to stay there but my chosen strand will not be implemented due to the lack of facilities and staffs. So I decided to enroll on either UB or SLU I couldn't choose between the two it made me think harder, but in the end I chose UB thinking that I will just attend SLU in college. Just to experience different schools because I want to experience having different schools. During my junior year all of us went to the School Fair that is held on PFVR where a lot of endorsing of schools are being done for the students that don't have a specific school in mind yet. I ...